The Okokroko.Corecr (Tiwi: "giant" or "gigantic"; European equiv. of "Barony") of New Sawereso-Seinuah are long-term leaseholders of physical land within the kingdom upon which they may build homes, grow and harvest crops, and apply towards other uses subject to covenants established by H.M. Duah III and his council. At the discretion of the Okokroko.Corecr, and subject to the aforementioned covenants, leaseholds may also be set aside for purposes of environment conservation.
As long-term leaseholders, the Okokroko.Corecr are members of the landed aristocracy of New Sawereso-Seinuah. This differentiates them from many modern baronies, especially those of non-reigning royal houses, for which their titles have been separated from the land.